Applications are now open.
Becoming a funded scholar is a competitive process. Selecting the right candidate for our program is based on several criteria, with a particular emphasis placed on supporting racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented who wish to become a scientist or engineer in a STEM disciplines identified by NSF LSAMP. Campus Director/Coordinators select scholars for their campus.
Apply here
How to apply to become an IN LSAMP Scholar
Eligible Majors
- Actuarial Science
- Biology
- Biochemistry
- Chemistry
- Computer Information Systems
- Geology
- Informatics
- Mathematics
Eligibility Criteria
You must meet all eligibility criteria:
- United States citizen or permanent resident
- Member of a historically underrepresented racial and ethnic minority group in STEM discipline (African American, Alaska Native, American Indian, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian and Native Pacific Islander
- Undergraduate full-time currently enrolled for classes at an IN LSAMP Campus
- Enrolled in a STEM major that qualifies under the LSAMP NSF STEM Classification of Instructional Programs
- Review Eligible Majors at IU
- Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 (out of 4.0).
- In certain cases a campus may approve a candidate with a GPA below 2.5 with the approval of a campus director.
- Committed to participate in LSAMP activities including professional development, academic and social enrichment.
We encourage you to apply to the LSAMP program! Whether you are an incoming freshmen, transfer student, or existing undergraduate student—the LSAMP program can help you be more successful.